Stop SB 1070 in Arizona!
Two events in Oregon-
Join us for both!
Salem March & Rally,
Capitol Building, 11am
Portland, March @ Vigil
Terry Schrunk
(SW 3rd & Madison)
For more information:
Salem: (503) 984-6816, http://www.causaoregon.org
Portland: (503) 233-6787, email maydayoutreach@gmail.com
For those who can't make it to Arizona, Oregon's many immigrant, labor, faith, and grassroots organization have called for all supporters of human rights to converge in Portland and Salem on the 29th. Portland events are coordinated by the Portland Immigrants Rights Coalition and the May Day Coalition.
Invite your friends on Facebook
Arizona's SB1070 affects everyone. It legalizes racial profiling and puts the blame for this economic crisis on the wrong people. Several states are already considering similar legislation, and in Oregon, we face gradual steps in this direction. Read more about what is going on locally from the Safe Communities Project.